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My name is Emma Dempsey-Weiner and I am a senior at Watkinson School.  Although all of the Global Studies topics interest me, I am especially interested in global public health.  Outside of school and in my freetime, I enjoy sewing, skiing, baking, attending plays, practicing tae kwon do, volunteering, and spending time with friends and my sisters and

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Most of these pictures are of me with my family and friends, who are my biggest supporters.

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Environmental Monitoring


I am in Global Studies at Watkinson for a variety of reasons.  The main reason is that of my strong interest in medicine.  My main focus in Global Studies is global public health, which gives me the opportunity to expand my knowledge.  I also love finding ways to get involved in the world and applying my personal interests and activities to the world around me.

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In the future, my dream is to become a doctor and to have a family of my own.  The image below is the moment I realized what I wanted to do with my life.  The "gifted and talented" program at my middle school took a field trip to a local museum.  We were taken into a lab and around the lab were preserved lamb brains.  To most, this sounds beyond disgusting, but I was absolutely enamored by it.  The person giving the talk started to pass out gloves for us to examine the variety of brains around the lab and I couldn't get the gloves on fast enough.  As strange as this might sound, the moment I actually held this dead, preserved animal brain, something just clicked.  From then on medicine was my favorite thing in the world.  I had always enjoyed science class and experiments, but this was a real love for the study of medicine.  A normal kid would ask for money for Christmas, but I have been known to ask for a variety of different pieces of medical equipment.  I am constantly doing studies on my own, so many, in fact, that when my parents tried to shield me from the fact that my grandfather had cancer, I diagnosed him myself based off his symptoms.  
I have always wanted to have a family of my own, but being a doctor is something that will always come first for me.

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Chalkboard Drawings


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